BT61 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BT61 8 is a postcode sector in Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, UK. Below is a complete list of BT61 8 Postcodes (Active). BT61 8 postcode sector comprises of 172 active postcodes. BT61 8 sector has a population of 6677, and it has 2234 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BT61 8 postcode sector

BT61 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6677
Addresses / Property Count 2234
Active Postcodes 172
Nearby Postcode Districts 81
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of BT61 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 172 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BT61 8AA 54.35161300 -6.66160600 N/A N/A 97211 505142
BT61 8AB 54.35249500 -6.66171600 N/A N/A 97210 505241
BT61 8AD 54.35336800 -6.66182600 6 21 97209 505338
BT61 8AE 54.35174300 -6.66840000 N/A N/A 96771 505186
BT61 8AF 54.35073500 -6.66500300 46 126 96984 505059
BT61 8AH 54.35425400 -6.66555000 36 120 96974 505453
BT61 8AJ 54.35232300 -6.67374900 4 8 96428 505274
BT61 8AL 54.35259900 -6.66220500 19 45 97179 505255
BT61 8AN 54.35322200 -6.66241500 2 10 97170 505325
BT61 8AP 54.35391500 -6.66820700 33 83 96799 505427
BT61 8AQ 54.35253200 -6.67237300 5 17 96518 505291
BT61 8AR 54.35318800 -6.66586100 13 107 96946 505336
BT61 8AS 54.35763000 -6.66867100 10 21 96796 505842
BT61 8AT 54.35317800 -6.67069100 56 108 96632 505356
BT61 8AU 54.35352300 -6.67266400 8 13 96507 505402
BT61 8AW 54.35309400 -6.66709500 10 27 96865 505331
BT61 8AX 54.35187000 -6.66284400 41 104 97132 505176
BT61 8AY 54.35224100 -6.66553800 13 29 96960 505229
BT61 8AZ 54.35139800 -6.67059500 6 22 96625 505157
BT61 8BA 54.36065500 -6.66349600 35 104 97155 506156
BT61 8BB 54.35733200 -6.66283500 34 131 97173 505783
BT61 8BD 54.36052600 -6.66242400 37 97 97223 506137
BT61 8BE 54.35461500 -6.67801300 5 16 96168 505547
BT61 8BF 54.35323300 -6.66429100 N/A N/A 97048 505334
BT61 8BG 54.35868200 -6.66302200 53 174 97171 505934
BT61 8BH 54.35997200 -6.70302300 10 23 94584 506251
BT61 8BJ 54.36437000 -6.70765400 7 21 94316 506759
BT61 8BL 54.36740900 -6.71288200 13 50 93999 507120
BT61 8BN 54.37457500 -6.73123200 9 28 92862 507996
BT61 8BP 54.38169100 -6.73732300 N/A N/A 92520 508814
BT61 8BQ 54.35832100 -6.69155300 4 11 95316 506017
BT61 8BR 54.36157600 -6.71946400 24 84 93528 506500
BT61 8BS 54.36685100 -6.73237800 12 31 92730 507143
BT61 8BT 54.37141700 -6.74630100 9 33 91860 507711
BT61 8BU 54.37761700 -6.74983700 13 42 91677 508416
BT61 8BW 54.36576500 -6.72305700 N/A N/A 93326 506982
BT61 8BX 54.37321400 -6.75766400 4 8 91136 507961
BT61 8BY 54.37954500 -6.76346000 6 16 90808 508690
BT61 8BZ 54.39502400 -6.77668200 9 28 90067 510469
BT61 8DB 54.35669000 -6.66005700 N/A N/A 97349 505700
BT61 8DD 54.41220900 -6.56139200 27 64 104154 511452
BT61 8DH 54.36466900 -6.67393600 N/A N/A 96507 506647
BT61 8DJ 54.37052400 -6.68187100 21 49 96035 507332
BT61 8DL 54.37957500 -6.67654900 11 38 96447 508315
BT61 8DP 54.36006000 -6.62579600 N/A N/A 99598 505928
BT61 8DQ 54.36732900 -6.66589500 32 115 97048 506908
BT61 8DR 54.39230300 -6.66976500 15 45 96981 509700
BT61 8DS 54.39299500 -6.66076700 32 98 97570 509739
BT61 8DT 54.39752600 -6.65058000 10 34 98264 510198
BT61 8DU 54.39778500 -6.66098000 18 69 97591 510272
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